
Showing posts from May, 2011
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LIST OF GPRS NETWORK SERVICE SETTINGS AIRTEL DOCOMO BSNL VODAFONE ---------------- AIRTEL MANUAL GPRS SETTINGS AIRTELLIVE Account Name–Airtel_live Homepage– Username–Blank Password–Blank Proxy–Enabled ServerAddress– Accespoint Name– Proxy and Server Port–8080 Data bearer–GPRS/Packet Data Authentication Type–Normal MOBILEOFFICE Account Name–MO Homepage– Username–Blank Password–BlankProxy–disabled/Accespoint Name– Proxy and Server Port–8080 Databearer–GPRS/Packet Data Authentication Type–Normal Manual Bsnl Gprs Settings Account Name–BSNLWAP Username–Blank Password–Blank Proxy–Enabled Homepage– Server address– Proxy and ServerPort–8080 Acces Point Name–bsnlnet Data bearer–GPRS/Packet data Authentication Type–Normal Vodafone Gprs Settings AccountName-Vodafone_gprs Homepage- User Name-(no need) Pass-(no need)

A Guide To The Importance of Physical Education Programs

By Steve Bishop Physical activity offers a broad range of benefits, including the prevention of obesity, improved self confidence, and an overall sense of well-being. Physical education programs within the school setting can set the stage for how children view physical fitness, activity levels, and future health. Physical education programs also include general health and safety information in addition to providing opportunities for students to learn how to cooperate with one another in a team setting. A Lifetime of Health The school setting provides a structured atmosphere in which to incorporate physical health activities and ideally develop healthy habits for life. Studies indicate that promotion of a healthy lifestyle taught in physical education classes can influence long-term health benefits such as reduced rates of obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Perhaps just as importantly, physical education programs can teach students that physi